What’s this?
It’s a set of actions for Adobe Photoshop CS3 or newer, designed to create a dirty, 3D effect from a normal type text, shape, smart object or raster image. It’s fast, easy to use and offers high resolution results, directly for prints.
Why do I need it?
So you don’t have to create this effect yourself, of course. The entire process is very tedious, and it all starts with a good set of textures. Whether you want to pick your camera and create the textures yourself or want to hire a photographer, it does not matter: you’ll be spending a lot of resources for them. Add the extra work to create the effects and you’ll be wasting a couple of days, for what? A pretty text? Really? Buy this set instead and get on with the important stuff!
What’s for grabs?
- .asl file with the styles use
- .atn file with the actions
- .txt file with instructions