The time start your email marketing list is yesterday. It may be old but email marketing is one of the most profitable types of marketing you can do to grow your store.
Email Marketing is an investment with many benefits and a medium you can control, unlike like Facebook pages or twitter accounts, and also more valuable. Every dollar spent in email marketing brings an average of $38 back, so I think it's a pretty good investment. As with everything else when it comes to promoting your brand email marketing has to be part of your marketing stack.
Create some amazing signing up forms on your website and incentivize people to sign up.
Offer your visitors a discount or different resources they can't find anywhere else. By signing up to your newsletter your visitors have to receive valuable and easy to digest content. Invest time and resources to find out what is valuable for your readers, create it and offer that to them.
Well we have a few options here:
Offer a sign up form on your homepage and let your visitors know what they're missing by not being a subscriber.
Popups if start at the right time and are setup properly are great, but if not they are simply annoying. Depending on your website I would show a popup only visitors that already visited a page already and they have an interest.
Exit popups are also a great way to add subscribers to your list, again careful how you set them up.
Create quality content ask for emails at the end of your articles and provide an easy way for your readers to receive your latest articles.
Create lead magnets, these are valuable resources for your potential clients and create special landing pages to promote them. This is one of the fastest way to grow your list.
Have a newsletter signup checkbox that offers the customer an easy way to receive your latest promotions and updates.
Every time someone creates and account on your website allow them to have newsletter sign up checkbox, offer them an incentive to tick it.
Offer your website visitors multiple points where they can signup and receive your newsletter, this way you grow your email subscriber list a lot more quicker.