There is a saying that if your only tool is a hammer, every problem will look like a nail. Which is why the best practice is to have a big belt with tools for every situation. These tools are simple, they do one specific task fast and efficiently. From simple file conversions to advanced image...
Dealing with large amounts of images can sometimes be very frustrating. It is even more annoying if you are dealing with many .EPS, .SVG or .Ai files, because you have to open the file first, to see what's in it. It becomes a tedious cycle of open - inspect - close that slowly gnaws at your...
Whenever you want to export an Illustrator file as a .PSD to open it with Photoshop, you quickly find out that all that vector art is now rasterized. The good news is that there is a quick and easy way to export it as vector art and still be able to infinitely scale and change colors as if it...
Photoshop offers an incredibly large variety of tools to quickly manipulate photos without too much hassle, and that is great. The skill floor is lower and it is easier now to get into Photoshop than it was back in the days of Creative Suite 3. For example, the newer Content Aware tools allow you...
We always look for ways to improve our work and most of the time, we focus on quality. However, there are other aspects that can move that needle too and those are often overlooked because they're not a part of the final product, such as: Shortcuts Automation Hardware performance Variety of...
Natively, Adobe Illustrator doesn't have a text highlighter feature to use as if you'd use in MS Office, but it does have many ways of getting to the same result. However, there are several levels of utility to those results, and today we are exploring results that also bring more value over time...
Adobe Illustrator is one of the best tools you'll ever use to create vector art. One of the features that helps you immensely in that task is the ability to create your own, custom brushes to speed up your creative process. Today we're looking at three ways you can create these brushes. Tools:...
Whether you're running a print-on-demand business or a local shop, you are facing a similar problem: the print files need to be cleaned up of transparency and blending effects. Printers don't know how to interpret Opacity and you'll end up with a messy final print, most of the time with unwanted...
We're sure you've attempted at least once to do a cool title written in a circle or in an arch, but couldn't quite figure out how to do it. If you still need help to do that, here's how it's done. Tools: Adobe Illustrator STEP 1 Grab the Ellipse tool, hold Option + Shift and click-drag to...