Why You Should Create a Niche Store and 1000+ Example Niches

1000 niches examples

If you want to start a t-shirt design store the best way is to choose 4-5 niches you like or you are passionate about.

“A niche market is the subset of the market on which a specific product is focused. The market niche defines the product features aimed at satisfying specific market needs, as well as the price range, production quality and the demographics that it is intended to target. It is also a small market segment.” from Wikipedia

Maybe it’s about motivational quotes, travel, and skating. It’s much easier to address a certain audience than to appeal to everyone. If you will try to sell to everyone most likely no one will buy. Being focused will help you build an audience you talk to and that you understand. Find your first 1000 true fans and success will follow.

Also, start your store with your town or community in mind, do it locally. Be the best skating t-shirt online shop in your town. Doing SEO locally is easier than going global and it’s less expensive as well.

Below we have a list of over 1000 niches you can exploit.

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We will update this resource constantly with new ideas to make this even more valuable.