EZ Tip: How To Create Vector ‘Drop Shadow’ Effects In Illustrator

EZ Tip: How To Create Vector 'Drop Shadow' Effects In Illustrator 1

The Drop Shadow effect is a quick and easy way to make objects stand out from the background and create focus on them.

The caveat for it, particularly for Illustrator, is that it’s available only as a raster effect and we want it to be vector.

Luckily, there is a way to create it in vector format in just a few easy steps.


Let’s learn how.

Tools: Adobe Illustrator


Create a new document and add your text.

Grab the Type Tool (T) and click on the canvas, then type on your text.


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Copy the text directly on top of it.

Grab the Selection Tool (V), select it and press Cmd + C (copy) , Cmd + F (paste to front).


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Click the circle for the text below to select it. Then, expand it to paths.

Go to Edit -> Expand, Check Object and Fill and press OK.


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Duplicate the expanded text once again. There now are three perfectly overlapping texts.
Cmd + C, Cmd + F.

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Move the bottom-most text downwards, about 20pt.

Select the bottom-most text, then press Shift + DownArrow, twice.


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Make the Fill color to #000000 (white).

Double-click the Fill and either write in the hex code or mark the color in the top left corner.


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Add the middle text to selection.
Hold shift and click the circle for the group above.


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Press Cmd + Alt + B. This will create a gradient blend between the two texts. If yours looks nothing like mine, go to Object -> Blend -> Blend Options and make it with steps, like below.


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Add a colored rectangle behind the text.

Grab the Rectangle Tool (M), draw a large rectangle and press Cmd + [ to send it behind all the other texts.

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Set the blend to Multiply.

Select the blend, click on Opacity and set Blending to ‘Multiply’.


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If you manipulate the position of the bottom text in the blend, it will adjust the direction where the shadow is going.

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If after that, your shadow looks a bit jagged, go to Object -> Blend -> Blend Options again and increase the number of steps.

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